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Leaders of Jinan Development and Reform Commission and Innovation Zone to visit Yinfeng US company to investigate and gu
Date:2019-08-05 10:34:29 Author:管理员 Browse:3168次


On May 30, Zhang Riliang, the director of Jinan Development and Reform Commission, Dou Weidong, the director of Key Project Management Office, Liu Chongbao, the director of Science and Technology and Economic Operation Bureau of Jinan Innovation Zone, Wang Dong, the director of Huaiyin District Development and Reform Bureau, and Zhou Jie, the director of Shizhong District Development and Reform Bureau, visited Yinfeng US company to investigate and guide the work.


Dong Baixiang, the vice president of Yinfeng Biological Group and the president of US Company, and An Hongyan, the general manager of US Company, accompanied Zhang Riliang and his team to visit the stem cell product R&D laboratory and office area of Yinfeng US company


In the following discussion, An Hongyan, the general manager of Yinfeng US company, gave a detailed report on the achievements and plans for the next step in the U.S. of the company as a talent and academic exchange service platform for Yinfeng Biological Group, including the introduction of international top talents, international academic cooperation and (stem) cell technology and product selection, introduction, digestion, absorption and re-innovation, and the formation of independent intellectual property rights and core technologies of Yinfeng Biological Group.


Dr. Mark, the CEO of UC-Davis Innovation Center, and Prof. Johnathon from Medical Center, gave a detailed presentation on the progress of academic exchanges between Yinfeng Biological Group and UC-Davis.


Zhang Riliang spoke highly of the research and development achievements of the joint laboratory between Yinfeng US company and UC-Davis, and highly recognized the achievements of Yinfeng US company in project cooperation, technology transformation and talent introduction. He said that the introduction of high-end talents and national-leading technologies and products in the U.S. by Yinfeng US company will promote the transformation of new and old kinetic energy in Jinan.


Liu Chongbao, the director of Jinan Innovation Zone presented commemorative gifts to Dr. Mark and Prof. Johnathon.

Yinfeng US company was established in January 2018 in California. It has established four research technology platforms for cell research, protein molecule research, pharmacological research and pharmaceutical research, with UC-Davis (Sacramento, California, the U.S.). By integrating the conditions of public technology platforms, such as the animal laboratory and GMP cell preparation workshop of UC-Davis, it has the basic functions of conducting preclinical research on stem cell drugs and preparing clinical-grade stem cell preparations.




It serves as the technology cooperation platform of Yinfeng Biological Group in the U.S., to implement the operation and management work of Yinfeng Biological Group and overseas research and development institutions on product development, technology introduction and transfer, etc. In addition, it introduces international high-end talents and innovative technology product projects, and digests, absorbs and reinnovates technology projects. In the past year since its establishment, US Company havs been approved by Jinan Science & Technology Bureau for the overseas R&D institution project and by Department of Science & Technology of Shandong Province for the international science and technology cooperation base project.