Yinfeng Biological
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Yinfeng in Chinese
Cultural Activities
The Sports Club of Yinfeng Biological Group., Ltd has been Officially Launched
Date:2016-06-07 11:43:14 Author:管理员 Flow rate:5112second


In order to enrich the employees’ spare-time life, promote communication among them, and enhance the team morale, the Sports Club of Yinfeng Biological Group has been officially launched with the strong support from the company’s management level and the active involvement of employees.

At 1:30 p.m. on October 30, the management personnel from the Biological Group Headquarters, Qilu Stem Cells Company and Qilu Cell Therapy Company, together with the Sports Club members held the launch ceremony for the Sports Club of Yinfeng Biological Group in the first meeting room, and established the Club Committee. Yang Zihui, the Director of General Management Department of the Biological Group, was appointed as the President of the club; Liu Zhongfei, the Manager of General Affairs Department of Qilu Stem Cells Company, and Wang Haidong, the Manager of General Affairs Department of Qilu Cell Therapy Company, were both appointed as the Vice President; and they all gave important speeches. Also the club members have actively put forwarded their ideas and suggestions for the development of the club.

The establishment of Sports Club can not only provide us a platform to do physical exercises and improve our sports skills, but also means that it is well prepared for our company to hold various recreational and sports activities, therefore it is a drive for the prosperity and development of recreational and sports activities of Biological Group, and for us to get a fresh start in these activities.